Helping non-Catholics. The classic way:
“For thousands of years, prophets were inspired by God to write down specific things about the Messiah. Some of the 300 separate prophecies about Him predict that He would be born in Bethlehem of a virgin in the House of David. His birth would be followed by a slaughter of infants, accomplished by Herod.”
We point out predictions of His birth and life. Then, we consider prophecies of His death.
“He would be lifted up before men, but no bone 0f His would be broken. By His stripes, we would be healed, and those same whiplashes would expose His bones. Jesus fulfilled all those prophecies. Each is exactly clear enough to let those who will be led to believe and obey see overpowering reason to do so. Clearly, the fulfillment of all those prophecies is beyond coincidence. Study, believe, and obey; or miss the boat.”
That approach works with rational thinkers. In our time, an awareness of programming and programmers makes the Catholic Fundamentalism approach more reasonable.
“God programs. He has the ability to program and download actual particles. Human programmers have the ability to program and download a 3-D movie that looks real. God programmed and downloaded The Creation Program out of actual particles and energies compiled into systems and beings. The Creation Program is the reality around us. His most complex programs are us humans. We are replicating programs with free will.”
Why did God, The Loving Programmer, go to all that trouble?
“God wanted every replicating free-will program (human) to have an opportunity to live in total joy with Him forever in Heaven (Programming HQ). So, He wrote The Creation Program to give us free will. He programmed lots of details, like carbon-14, layers of rock, pools of deep oil, and fossils. He hid His tracks so well that each human would be free to believe himself to be an accident within a larger accident, or a beloved child of God living in His Creation.”
Why did He only provide that Church?
“The Creation Program took perfect, obedient, human form and came to earth in the form of Jesus, fulfilling the prophecies that led people to belief in pre-computer ages. In our time, we see that Jesus is The Creation Program, and He let Himself be painfully erased by corrupt people who hated truth. Then, The Loving Programmer restored His Program.
As we make our way through the facts in Scripture, we find that He set up The Catholic Church to provide the fullest possible access to both Program and Programmer through The Holy Wireless Connector so that in every age, souls could find everlasting joy.”
Helping non-Catholics. What could be more important? Two ways to do so.