The Church’s “errors” are part of a plan.

In the earliest days of The Church, many decided that they would not believe the words of He Who fulfilled all the prophecies.  Even in the years immediately after The Resurrection, in living memory of the miracles, there were some who used this excuse to shun Catholicism:

“Look at the mistake your so-called Savior made.  He lived and worked with Judas for years, and didn’t know that Judas was going to betray Him.  I certainly can’t believe in a man who’d make a big mistake like that.”

Today, of course, the same sort of people are saying:
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“Look at these scandals!  I certainly can’t believe in a Church that would make a big mistake like that.”

This is how the garden automatically weeds itself of the proud, the pompous, and the self-righteous.


Only Catholics understand John 12:26 and can have Jesus ‘be’ in us! ~ Question 1:  “How does Today’s Reading help Catholics get ready for Easter?” Answer:  “Jer. 31:31-34 tells us what is going to happen at Easter!  ‘The days are coming, says The Lord, when I will make a New Covenant with the house of […]

Answer:  “1 John 5:1-6 tells us to:  ‘Be Catholic!’ by telling us:  “Beloved: (That word divides humanity into two groups, the ‘beloved’ and all others.)  Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves The Father also loves the one begotten by Him.’  Clearly, all who heed God’s […]

Do The Psalms prophesy that The Holy Spirit would take “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” from The Father to The Son? ~ Question 1: How do St. Paul and The Psalms tell us how to get our souls into Heaven?” Answer: “St. Paul tells us in one sentence in 1 Tm 6:13-16! ‘Beloved: […]