Facts are inconvenient things.

Lies are told to procure gains illicitly. Those who make a living from lies hate to see their gains destroyed, and become active opponents of specific truths that may undermine their livelihoods. Those who tell larger lies become active opponents of the concept that truth can exist or be known.

Catholic Fundamentalists think that lies are living things, demons unleashed by men upon their neighbors. The gullible creatures who believe the lies are similar to the lower levels of a pyramid. Higher on the pyramid are a smaller number of those who repeat the lies. They are beneath those who invent the lies. Those who pay for lies are at the top of the pyramid of lies and liars.

All lies are pretty much the same. “If I can make _________ believable, I will get what I want.” When confronted with facts that contradict their lies, they will add new lies. Lie-watchers enjoy observing them compounding the first lie with a second, a third, and a fourth. We shake our heads in astonishment at how little they value truth.

Big, complex lies like Global Warming need thousands of lies. An unending parade of liars, sniffing money, will gladly contribute new and better lies. Soon, the edifice begins to crack and collapse as too many lies are added to it.

In the blinking of an eye, the lie may be replaced with a new, and better lie, the way communism was replaced with environmentalism.

The process then begins again.
