Free will

Free will. Most of us like dogs. Dogs are one of God’s programs. Why did He go to all the trouble of programming them?

Catholic fundamentalists think God programmed dogs so that we’d have something handy to remind us how to deal with Him. Dogs are not overly bright, but they do have free will. They can decide to make a mess in the house or go outside. They can decide to chew up things or not. They can heel or run off to chase a cat.

Most of a dog’s problems come from not obeying their master and making wrong choices. If they fail to obey too often, they end up in the pound. Similarly, human problems occur when we make the wrong choices. If we disobey the Master too arrogantly, we end up in the pound.

We study Scripture, the Catechism, and the saints to help ascertain the Master’s will. The more we know, the more we pray, and the harder we try, the better we do.

If we pray, work, and learn, we will be more obedient to God.

One of the highest planes of human existence is to use our free will as well as we want our dog to use his.
