Luther let relativism begin to rule.

Five hundred years ago, the predictions in Revelation 20 came true. “The Thousand Year Reign” of the Catholic Church over Western Christendom ended. “The dragon was unchained from the abyss.” Luther let relativism began to rule.

In government, a thousand years of Catholic Kings came crashing down.

In religion, Catholic Teaching was replaced with vanity.

Change was made popular! Rivers of propaganda flowed from the new printing presses. “Believe as we say. That will prove that you are smart and good!” People loved compliments!


Vanity grew as relativism ruled religion and government. Sinners insisted “I am a good person!” Every person proclaimed: “I’m smart, too!” Denying the existence of logic and truth turned yesterday’s village idiots into the highest order of intellectual that relativism would allow.


New Profiteers of Protestantism swarmed up when Luther let relativism begin to rule. They invented 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations! Every vanity could be worshiped.

“My church calls itself ‘Christian’! It is just as good as The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies!” Each Profiteer of Protestantism proclaimed priority in their swirling whirlwind of relativism.


We see what happened after Luther let relativism begin to rule. Abandoning The Catholic Church let Constantinople became Istanbul. Commissars replaced Czars and the Emperors of Asia with mass murder previously unknown. In our own day, billions of unborn children are lost. Nations worry about drinking straws made of plastic.


The Faith Handed Down From The Apostles is still here. The Catholic Church provides the only light that shines through the confusing clouds of relativism.

Catholics still believe and obey His clear call to Catholic Communion: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholic Influence is endlessly assaulted. More souls are led into the swirling clouds of relativism. More unborn children are lost.


It is a great tragedy that Luther let relativism begin to rule.

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