Three levels of faith: 1. Catholic. 2. Upper-level Protestants. 3. Lower-level Protestants.


Many Catholics are surprised to find that there are 45,000 Protestant Denominations.   We see there are:   Three levels of faith:

1.  Catholic.

2.  Upper-level Protestants.

3.  Lower-level Protestants.


1.  Catholics are at the most obedient level of Faith.   Catholics obey The Word with Which Jesus Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Since we obey Jesus, we may be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”  Catholic obedience gives us access to the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus left on earth.  They are the Seven Catholic Sacraments.


2.  Upper-level Protestants embrace many Catholic Teachings.   Upper-Level Protestants are blessed!  They know how important it is to be Baptized with water “In The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.”

The Upper-level Protestants have the confusion of Original Sin erased from their minds.  Upper-level Protestants do their parental duty.  They have their children Baptized.  That is the only way anyone may be cleansed from the confusion caused by Original Sin.


3.  Lower-level Protestants do not respect The Power of Baptism.   So, they do not teach that all children should be Baptized.

We do not Baptize our children.  We let them decide when they are ready!”

Lower-level Protestants jump from one Lower-level Profiteer of Protestantism to another.   They get lost in the confusion of 45,000 Protestant Marketing Plans!  Many of them are never Baptized!

Their poor children!  They spend their lives unable to deal with the confusion caused by Original Sin.


Lower-level Protestant Marketing Plan denominations have left billions of children unbaptized.

Catholics and Upper-level Protestants know that is why sin and death are spreading through the world.

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