The “second beast” makes us into PIPsters! What’s a PIPster?

The “first beast from the sea.”  (Rev. 13:1) rules earthly governments.   His efforts are supported by the “second beast” (Rev. 13:11) “from the land”.  He convinces those who live on “the land” to follow the “first beast”.

How does he do that?  The “second beast” controls Public Opinions.  He guides the thoughts that form beliefs.

The “second beast” controls Public Opinion in two ways.

1.  Those who speak for the “second beast” tell us “Your opinion matters!”  We all love to hear that!

2.  We are taught to have Correct Opinions about Popular Imaginary Problems (PIPs).  We want to be smart!   We are given a way to be smart!  We are endlessly told:  “Smart people worry about this!”

Those who speak for the “second beast” tell nations to think about Popular Imaginary Problems (PIPs)!   “rising sea levels”, “global warming”, “justice”, “equality”, “fairness”, “over-population”, “liberation”, “You deserve more!” are among Popular Imaginary Problems (PIPs).


If we share Popular Opinions about Popular Imaginary Problems (PIPs), we are told:  “You are smart and good!”  The “second beast” makes us into PIPsters!  What’s a PIPster?

A PIPster believes in Popular Imaginary Problems!  PIPsters also believe in the power-grabbing solutions provided by the “second beast” to solve Popular Imaginary Problems (PIPs).

The “second beast” helps the “first beast”  take complete control!   Nations are enslaved by the “great need” to solve Popular Imaginary Problems (PIPs).

Many minds in nations ruled by the “beasts” are confused by legal and illegal drugs.   Addictions to mind-altering drugs have been encouraged by “the beasts” since Babylon introduced opiates, 5,400 years ago!


In every generation and nation, some escape the snares of the “beasts”.   Those set free do one thing!   We obey This Word of He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics have access to the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus Christ left on earth.  Catholics focus on the immortal souls of our selves, families, and neighbors.

We know the Real Problem on earth comes from those who hate God, life, and freedom!   Those who follow the “beasts” hate this Catholic Teaching!  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

The “beasts” prefer PIPsters!  The “beasts” hate people who believe in God, life, and freedom!

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