Catholics take a new look at The Holy Trinity. 1.

Catholics know! The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are Three Persons of The One God. In our day, Catholics take a new look at The Holy Trinity. 1.

We begin by relating God to His Creation. God gave life to each one of us.

What do we do with our life? We choose our goals and strive to reach them.

How do we do that? We write our own “programs” in our mind. Our individual “program” reflects who we are and what we think is important.

Since we are made “in the image of God”, we are staggered! God’s “Program” includes us! Each person, no matter how small, is a “living part” of His Program.


In our Age, Catholics consider The Holy Trinity in three sentences.

1. Catholics see at The Father as The Programmer.

2. We visualize The Son as The Program.

3. The Holy Spirit is The Eternal Verb, “Programming”.

Three sentences help help us human beings relate to The Power of God.


What is a human being? Each of us is a Free Will Program! Like God, we have Free Will. We all choose to do one of two things.

1. We obey The Teachings of God provided by His Church and Bible.


2. We don’t.


We have a soul.

St. Paul tells us how to save our soul in 1 Corinthians 15:48. “And we who have been modeled on the earthly man, will be modelled on the heavenly man (Jesus Christ).”

How? We continually try to write Every Teaching of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies into our “program”! Catholics obediently receive His Body and Blood in Catholic Communion. We obey The Instruction repeated 14 times by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies:

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Sadly, many people choose lifelessness. They do not obey That Teaching of Jesus Christ.


May all be blessed to obey Every Teaching of The Holy Trinity. It is the only way to have our souls forever among:

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Tomorrow, we will consider another way Catholics may see The Holy Trinity.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
An odd novel, Crats!, is free on that page.
