We are made “in the image of God”. So: our words have power.

Every word we speak is written in our ‘Book of Life’. It is pulled from God’s bookshelf and read at our Judgment.

History begins with This Word of God: “Let there be light”. All Creation was then Spoken Into Being by His following Words.

Human History began in The Garden of Eden. God did more than “speak” Adam into being. He molded Adam out of Words that made “clay”. He Spoke Life into Adam. Eve was made of the “refined clay” from which God made Adam’s rib. Both of them were able to think, speak, and do things.


Another kind of “word” was spoken by the devil. His words appealed to the human spirit that God made a part of Adam and Eve.

His words talked them into disobeying God. His words convinced Cain to kill Abel.


Things have not changed! We either obey God’s Words to our soul or the devil’s words to the vanity within our human spirit.

History is a record of whose words each person, family, tribe, leader, and people would obey. Each of us is an “author”. We each write our individual history with words we have written in our “Book of Life”.

Our “Book of Life” is opened when we stand before Jesus at Judgment. Every one of our thoughts, words, and deeds is read.


We are not condemned by thoughts that we do not turn into words. Mark 7:21-23 “Hear me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person: but the things that come out from within are what defile.“

Catholics are very careful! We do not speak words that will “defile” us.

We are more “defiled” if we let bad words turn into bad actions. It is best to stop bad thoughts in our mind before they turn into words!


Question 1: “What should we do when we have bad thoughts?”

Answer: “We should ask God to erase bad thoughts before they turn into words that will be read from our ‘Book of Life.’ at our Judgment.”


Question 2: “How does God do that?”

Answer: “He has The Power to send an “Eraser Angel” into our mind to get rid of bad thoughts.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of reasons. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/AllTheWorldIsAStage-Final.pdf
