Disobeying Words of Jesus causes most of the problems in the world.

. The farther we are from God, the more problems we have.

Question 1: “The world is full of problems. What causes them?”

Answer: “Most problems are caused by Willful Protestantism.”


Question 2: “Is that the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard?”

Answer: “If everyone obeyed This Teaching of Jesus Christ, most of the problems in the world would be solved! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 3: “Why does disobeying That Word of God cause most of the problems in the world?”

Answer: “Most problems in the world are caused by people who believe ‘I know more than Jesus about what is best for me.’


Question 4: “How does disobeying Jesus cause problems?”

Answer: “The more Words of Jesus we disobey, the farther we are from God. The more problems we have.”


Question 5: “Is Jesus God?”

Answer: “Jesus is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity. He took human form. Jesus Christ came to earth in Fulfillment of The Prophecies. Every Word of Jesus is a Word of God.”


Question 6: “Do Catholics believe that when we put any of our opinions or desires ‘before’ Any Word of God that we create our own problems?”

Answer: “You understand The First Commandment! ‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.’


Question 7: “Is that all we need to know?”

Answer: “It is the best foundation upon which to form our opinions and control our desires.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
