Schism Seminary Announcement: Now, for a short time, Schism Seminary is offering its most popular […]
Mohammed grew up up in Arabia. He was surrounded by many Somewhat Christian Denominations. They […]
When large numbers people began to join the early Church, the Jerusalem establishment knew it […]
Since the days they built The Tower, Babylon maintained power by keeping people frightened, worried, […]
The words of Wisdom 2:12 include “The wicked say: Let us beset the just one, […]
Sometimes, even experienced Pastor Bobs get confused by different marketing plans from the 43,000 schisms […]
Catholic Saints and Scholars are in tune with God’s timetable. They know that we are […]
Nearly all the Pastor Bobs admit the validity of The Lord’s Prayer. You know how […]
This popped up on Facebook. Had to share! It’s a great encapsulation of what Martin […]
We have all heard the term “self-hatred” applied to many groups. We hear of “Self-hating […]