Catholics are blessed to think of Mary.

Catholics are blessed to think of Mary.    If Mary had not said “Yes.”, Jesus could not have been born at the prophesied town and place. Every Catholic reveres The Blessed Mother of God.  We recognize that God could not have taken human form and come to earth without her obedience to God. Many of our […]

Protestantism’s Endless Bible-Study Groups

The rich man was sent to hell for ignoring his poor neighbor, Lazarus’s  suffering.  Luke, 16: 19-31 tells us that the rich man was able to see, across an impassable divide, Lazarus in the joy of Heaven.  We fear that some of our dear friends will be eternally locked into the eternal, agonizing boredom of […]

His Disciples caught 153 large fish

John 21: 1-14 tells us that His Disciples caught 153 large fish after they followed Jesus’ instructions. Simon Peter said to them, ‘I am going fishing.’ . . . but that night they caught nothing. . . When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore; . . . . “Jesus said to […]

Mary, like Protestants, “believed”

Protestants focus on belief. “Believe and be saved.” sums up most of their systems. They do not focus on Mary, The Mother of God. Why? “Catholics take Mary too seriously. Yes, she was the Mother of Jesus, but that’s it. We believe in Jesus and we believe that we are saved because we believe in […]

Mary, a newer face, of doom?

Most Catholics believe these things about Mary, The Mother of Jesus: 1. Mary had to be the most perfect of created entities so that the “human half” of Jesus, “Half God and Half Man” would have no flaws for the devil to exploit. Therefore, His Blessed Mother was conceived so that Eve’s error of Original […]

With Mary, life. Without? Death.

  With Mary, life.  Without?  Death.  There is a line in Chesterton’s Lepanto, “and Christian hateth Mary, whom God killed in Galilee. . .” The devil hates Mary because she gave birth to Salvation. Many call themselves Christian, but do not recognize The Trinity, usually making The Son less than The Father and The Holy […]

First, playback. Then, payback.

There is a great danger in leaving The Church. Lumen Gentium 14 tells us about those who leave The Church: “In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism(124) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church. Whosoever, therefore, knowing […]

Protestants, please. Try this:

Many Protestants are taught “Catholics aren’t allowed to read The Bible!” The truth is that, every day of the week, in Masses all around the world, The Bible is read every day. All Catholics are encouraged to read every passage in the Bible. We therefore plead: Protestants, please. Try this: Read just one day’s Catholic […]

Mary and The Trinity

During and after The American Revolution, John Adams was raising funds in Paris. A Protestant, Adams met high-ranking Catholics. One of them told Adams, “If The Church had decided there were Four, instead of Three in The Trinity, there would be Four.” That has bothered Protestants ever since. “Just because Jesus said ‘Thou art Peter […]

Our mother’s saving love

Children in unhappy families often tend to be unhappy. The worse the family structure, the unhappier the children. There are basically no traditional families in inner cities. Anger grows into hatred of neighbors. It turns into criminal activity. Many of the unhappiest people end up in jail. Anger multiplies when angry people are jammed together. […]