Catholics ask: “Are there ostriches in Heaven?”

Concept of fear with businessman like an ostrich

The brutal fact:  Almost a billion unborn babies have been killed by abortionists.   Have ten or twenty or a hundred billion even tinier babies been killed by artificial birth control “pills”, implants, and devices?

Protestantism avoids focusing on death inflicted on billions of the tiniest babies, many smaller than the . at the end of this sentence.  “We don’t want to think about that!  We pray about having ‘A Personal Relationship With Jesus!'”

Catholics ask:  “Are there ostriches in Heaven?”  Catholics may explain:  “Each of us was once a tiny, tiny baby, smaller than the . at the end of this sentence.  Don’t Christians have a duty to “love your neighbor’?  Aren’t we supposed to protect unborn babies as tiny as we once were?”

The usual response:  “We pray about having ‘A Personal Relationship With Jesus’!”

Catholics reply:  “The Catholic Church is clear:  ‘Anyone who helps another to procure an abortion is automatically excommunicated.’  Where do you and your denomination stand?”

“We support our church!  We have Bible Study!  We do good works!”

Puzzled Catholics ask:  “What is more important than protecting life?  Isn’t it wrong to ignore unborn children, even the tiniest of babies?”

“What’s important for me is to have ‘A Personal Relationship with Jesus!’  I pray about that!”

Catholics don’t get it.  “Does Jesus think you should protect the lives of your own unborn children and grandchildren?”

The nature of Protestantism is made clear as we hear:  “People have the right to do what they want.  What I want is ‘A Personal Relationship With Jesus’!”

Catholics are confused.  “Doesn’t Jesus want us to protect unborn babies?  Does your denomination teach chastity so that innocent lives are not created and destroyed?”

“Stop bothering me!  I just want to have ‘A Personal Relationship With Jesus’!”

Catholics ask:  “Are there ostriches in Heaven?”


