Christ Can Forgive All Sins,Even the Sin of Killing Him.

Most people have heard that Christ can forgive all sins.   Few have any idea just how much Christ can forgive, and even fewer have any idea how much He is willing to forgive:

Today’s Reading is from 1 Acts, 2:36-41.  It tells us how much Christ can forgive:

“On the day of Pentecost, Peter said to the Jewish people (in every time and place),
“Let the whole house of Israel (All Twelve Tribes, not just Judah and Benjamin, but those who’d gone on to form many of the European, Middle-Eastern, and Indian peoples!)know for certain
that God has made Him both Lord and Christ,
this Jesus whom you crucified.”  (The Jews were required to admit they’d committed Deicide before they could be saved.  Christ can forgive all sins, even the sin of killing Him, but the forgiven have to recognize that they’ve done something wrong before the process can begin.)

Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, (We can see why.  They realized that He Whom they had painfully murdered was going to be The Judge of their souls!)
and they asked Peter and the other Apostles,
“What are we to do, my brothers?” (How can we get out of this?)
Peter said to them,
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in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins;
and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  (Peter made it clear, and still does, that even a sin as great as killing God can be forgiven by repentance, baptism, and the Power of The Holy Spirit.)
For the promise is made to you and to your children
and to all those far off,
whomever the Lord our God will call.”   (Those whom God calls may ask for, and receive, forgiveness for their sins.)
He testified with many other arguments, and was exhorting them,
“Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”  (“Corrupt Generation”, to Catholic Fundamentalists, means those whose individual, human programs have been so corrupted they are unable to download and obey The Operating Instructions.)
Those who accepted his message were baptized,
and about three thousand persons were added that day.”

At the time of Passover, there may have been twenty or forty or sixty thousand Jews in Jerusalem.  On this one day, three thousand were numbered among those “whomever the Lord our God will call”.


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