It’s easy to get angry or upset about people who keep us from getting ahead. We should be thankful for such people. Catholic Fundamentalists think of them as “levelers”.

As their name implies, they try to keep anyone else from getting ahead, usually by mandating vicious levels of taxation and regulation. Such personalities often gravitate to occupations where they are able to control the activities of others. Saying “No.” gives them great joy.

Welcome such people into your life. Love them like a brother. That helps cure our own excessive vanity and may help them see that there is another Kingdom.
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Our job is to get into Heaven, not to have our own way. Loving spiteful, mean-spirited people is a sure way to build up Heaven Credits.


It is worse than foolish to reject The Only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus Christ died to leave on earth! ~ Question 1: “How does God teach us the difference between good and evil?” Answer: “Isaiah Is 48:17-19 makes it clear! ‘Thus says The Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: […]

Catholics make the connection between Father Abraham and Peter, The First Holy Father of The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Spoken Into Being by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. ~ Question 1 is interesting: “Why did some Sadducees hate The First Pope and Catholic Bishops enough to kill them?” Answer:  “Sadducees are perfectly named […]

Catholics see how “wood” lets us see 4,000 years of the most important people in History. ~ Question 1: “What connection do Catholics make between Abraham and God?” Answer: “God told Abraham to sacrifice His Son, Isaac, as He would sacrifice His Son, Jesus: Genesis 22:1-19 tells us: ‘God put Abraham to the test. He […]