God loves us. Abortionists hate.

God made our soul at our conception.  Our spirit, mind, and body were built from the DNA molecules of our ancestors.  God loves us.  Abortionists hate.

Billions of children, as small as a grain of salt, are killed by abortion-inducing chemicals and devices.  Slightly larger children are killed by other abortionists.

After birth, fallen men and fallen angels keep trying to “abort” older people.  They are “later term abortionists”.  Tribes of them attack all the living.

Despite them, many understand there could be no movement without a “Prime Mover”.   After realizing God is real, odd Prophecies in The Old Testament tell about a promised “Messiah”.

Prophets said He would be born in one, specific village among hundreds of thousands of towns and cities.

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies would be “lifted up before men.”  His bones would be “visible”, (from The Scourging At The Pillar), but “no bone of His would be broken”.  Those who crucified Him would “look upon He Whom they pierced”.

He said of The Only Church He Founded:  “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Our immortal soul wants “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to open the door to eternal joy.  To keep us from that, abortionists of older souls strive to keep us from obeying call to Catholic Communion in The Only Church He Founded:

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  The New Testament, written by The First Catholic Bishops, repeats that at least 24 times.

Until the moment our soul leaves our body, God loves us.  Abortionists hate.  At every stage of life, “later-term abortionists” bring whomever they can to destruction.



