Good Friday’s message

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Good Friday’s message has Scripture Readings from The Old Testament, The Psalms, The New Testament, and passages from Jesus.

Two sentences, one from Isaiah and one from St. Paul, give us part of Good Friday’s message to Protestants. Hopefully, some Pro-Life members of the 43,000 schisms will let the words of those Holy Men get through the barriers to God’s love.

Isaiah 53:6 has the first of Good Friday’s message to Protestants. He describes many of us, today: “We had all gone astray like sheep, each one following his own way.” In our time, a ridiculous 43,000 Somewhat Christian schisms divide and confuse Pro-Life Christians so thoroughly that we cannot keep 3,500 unborn babies from being aborted every day.

Isaiah is clearly speaking to us. Isaiah tells those who trust their immortal souls to vain men who have invented their “own way” that they should not go astray, but heed The Shepherd Whom the prophet predicts.

St. Paul echoes Good Friday’s message to Protestants. Heb. 5:9 provided guidance that is as clear as that from Isaiah. “When He (Jesus) was made perfect, He became the source of salvation for all who obey Him.”
We obey Jesus by obeying Him, not the theories of some vain and silly man. St. Paul tells us, as clearly as Isaiah, in Good Friday’s message to Protestants, that Jesus did not become the source of salvation for those who disobey Him.

Obeying Jesus means following His instructions. His instructions include “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” And, His instructions also include telling us where we may find the Holy Food we need to be saved: “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .”
Good Friday’s message to Protestants is clear. We should share it with our friends and family. And, pray that they may see the great truth and allow it to overpower the vanity that separates them from He Who fulfilled the Prophets’ predictions.
