Many are asking, “Have Moslems infiltrated the FBI?”

As facts emerge about the Boston Massacre, something very unusual has been reported.  Many websites are asking:  “Have Moslems infiltrated the FBI?  Can they now eliminate FBI agents who displease them?”

The cause of such questions is in this typical reference:

“Two FBI special agents, Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw, lost their lives, allegedly during a training exercise in Virginia Beach, May 20, 2013. Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw, alongside Richard Deslauriers, were part of the FBI team in charge of the Boston marathon bombing investigation. They were involved in the arrest of the bombing suspects, the Tsarnaev brothers.
A young student who had been wrongly accused, Sunil Tripathi, has already died in unexplained circumstances.”

It is said to be “another amazing coincidence” that the deceased agents were responsible for the death of another suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.

It would be interesting to find out what actual FBI personnel think about it.  They would know.  Hope they’re allowed to tell the world the truth.

