Proof the Pastor Bobs are wrong


Pastor Bobs say “I believe in Jesus and The Bible.” Proof the Pastor Bobs are wrong is right in front of us.

At the end of Matthew, Chapter 28, verses 19-20, The Bible tells us that Jesus said: “Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.”

Jesus and The Bible provide real instruction to His real priests. Consider the verse above: “. . . and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.”. Jesus does not order His obedient disciples to teach people to obey “some” of His commands. Jesus clearly and directly says His Disciples are to teach people to obey “. . . all the commands I give you.”

The Pastor Bobs don’t do that. They twist or ignore clear commands of Jesus in passages like John 6:53, “If you to not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”   Jesus repeated that clear call to Catholic Communion FOURTEEN TIMES!  That virtual “command” from Jesus is under the purview of “. . . and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.”

The only place that we may obey His Command to receive His Body and Blood in The Only Church He Founded. If any Pastor Bob tells anyone to ignore receiving Christ’s actual Body and Blood, available at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper, he is disobeying Christ’s own command, “teach people to obey all the commands I give you.”

The Pastor Bobs put themselves in a risky place. If they do not follow all of Christ’s commands, they, themselves, are choosing to disobey Mt. 28: 19-20. If they teach others to ignore the need to follow all of Christ’s commands, which include John 6: 53 “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”, do they also fall under the worse-than-millstone punishment for “leading little ones astray” described in Matthew, Mark, and Luke?

A staggering question: Do a few sentences prove that the entire Protestant establishment is based on error and willful disobedience?
