Reducing taxes is generally impossible.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Reducing taxes is generally impossible. It’s hard to elect tax-cutters Democrats raise taxes. So do Republicans. The only people who can get through primaries are those who will raise taxes. Special interests control both parties.

What’s happening in every democracy is represented by Pennsylvania’s governor race. Hardened tax-hiker Rendell (Dem) could have had a tax-cutting Republican opponent. Instead, the Republican tax addicts who run the Party selected Lynn Swann, former football player, as candidate. They know Swann is certain to be defeated. That makes him their ideal candidate.

Professional Republicans are dependent as Democrats on increasing tax revenue. They have ensured that high taxes, in the person of Rendell, will win. Everyone who makes a living by confiscating other people’s money will win, too.

The rest of Pennsylvania will be further impoverished to pay higher taxes. Much ado will be made about “replacing property taxes” or “shifting the tax burden”. Further impoverishment will go on.

The same forces are at work in every state and county.
