Do the schisms “work iniquity”?

Many do not see the danger of being in schism. “How can we be at risk of anything? My denomination has many good people. We pray. We are ‘born again’. We do good works. Can we be damned for that?” they ask, with voices often rising in astonishment.

Jesus was clear: many people “work iniquity” while thinking they are doing good.

Consider Jesus’ warning in Matthew 7: 21-23 “21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
Do the schisms “work iniquity”? What of people in the schisms? Do they “work iniquity”? The Only Church Jesus Founded holds true to ancient teaching of Christ and the Apostles. The Catholic Church teaches that those who knowingly participate in an abortion are automatically excommunicated. They are denied entrance to Heaven. That Catholic teaching is a continuation of the Old Testament prohibition of child sacrifice. Every year, millions of children are sacrificed on the Altar of Convenience.

A hundred years ago, the thousand or so Christian denominations were solidly against abortion. Today, there are a ridiculous 40,000 separate schisms, each with bills to pay. To avoid offending contributors, nearly all of them have gone “soft” on abortion.

In recent decades, intentionally vague terms like “therapeutic abortion” have been invented by some schisms. They permit abortion in the few groups with written guidelines of belief other than to say “I am Pro-Life but I am certainly not going to tell someone else what to do.” What of birth control chemicals and devices that destroy the tiniest children? Those in schisms that do not prohibit them cause countless deaths of their most helpless neighbors. Those deaths are ignored, even among married clergy in the 40,000 separate schisms.

Conflicting doctrines make it impossible for Catholic efforts to legislatively stop abortion to succeed. The hundred million Protestants in 40,000 denominations have become a Tower of Babel. Their variety of opinions give legislators the excuses they need to avoid the issue. Do schisms “work iniquity”? is a question that must now be answered “Yes.”

What of individuals with friends and family in such a schism? Is an individual who supports a group that claims to be “Christian” but allows “therapeutic abortion” and death dealing birth control chemicals and devices, “working iniquity”? Today, 40,000 separate schisms have bills to pay. To avoid offending contributors, most have gone “soft” on abortion. By allowing death because they need money, they “work iniquity”.

When the question: Do the schisms “work iniquity”? arises, we have but to look at their lack of love for life and see it has become policy for those who have chosen to “work iniquity”.

Only a very vain and foolish person would take the risk of having Jesus say, at Judgment, “I never knew you. Depart from Me.” even as the souls of a billion murdered babies “cry out for vengeance from beneath the Altar”.
