The Bible gives this simple advice in six words!

The Bible gives this simple advice in six words! “You must stop being led astray:” St. Paul is clear in 1 Cor. 15:33! We must not let ourselves be led “astray”. Every Word Spoken by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies is Truth.

We must not let ourselves be “led astray” from obeying Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!

May we all be blessed to stop “being led astray” from obeying Any Teaching of Jesus Christ!


Catholics are blessed. We are not “led astray” by those who want us to disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Who Spoke Those Words? He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!


Everyone knows! The Profiteers of Protestantism make a living by leading donors “astray” from That Teaching of Jesus Christ.

Why do people listen to them? Human spirits are vain! Our spirit wants what it wants! Spirits do not like to follow rules! “I can only be happy if I do what I want!”


The simple Logic is clear! If we let ourselves be “led astray” from That Teaching, we no longer have those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

When we are “led astray”, we put our immortal soul at risk! If we willfully and knowingly reject those “keys”, our soul literally cannot get into Heaven!

Catholics are blessed! We obey His Only Church-Founding Decree.


We must ask one question about every decision! “Will I let my soul be “led astray” from “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”?

Catholics know! There is a high price to pay if we let ourselves be “led astray”

We pay that price forever!

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Every day, simple reasons to be Catholic:
