The Creation Program provides for new governments.

Catholic Fundamentalism does not spend a lot of time on politics.  The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded us with the ability to work well, or badly, with each other.

There is a reason for our current political system that’s best seen by going back to the period when the Judges made political decisions for the Twelve Tribes.  That system worked.

As the Hebrews lost confidence in the God Who’d led them out of Egypt, they decided Judges were no longer enough.  “We want a king!”

God warned them.  “He’ll confiscate your property, draft your children into his service, and boss you around.”

The people didn’t care.  “We want a King!”

“All right.”, God said.  “If that’s what you want, you’re going to be ruled by Kings.”

King Saul didn’t work out too well and was replaced with King David.  He did a better job.  David’s descendants ran things for several generations.  Sometimes, the Kings did what God wanted.  Other times, they followed the devil’s instructions.  Some of them inflicted child sacrifice and idol worship on the Tribes.

Finally, God got sick of the Kings.  He sent in the Romans.  That iron fist ruled, smashing all who dared to rebel.

After Rome finally fell, Kings ruled much of Europe.  People complained, again.  “We are sick and tired of Kings.  We want to determine our destiny.  We want Democracy!”

We may imagine The Loving Programmer rolling His eyes.  “The Creation Program provides for new governments.  In every age, the vainest of the human programs futilely try to save themselves by their own actions.  Many of the self-important nincompoops will never learn that their ego-centric posturings can never work for long.  They will never understand that I allow governments to exist and be replaced simply to separate those who love their neighbors from those who don’t.   Separating sheep from goats is a largely automated process unwittingly accomplished by the governments of the vain.”

God gave them the desired democracies and republics.  As those systems failed, He responded to complaints about them by allowing new generations of vain, bossy people to download governments by  Congresses, Committees, and Commissars.   In every age, most of the people who want to get into government have a deep drive to be important.

Now, almost all of Europe has been pushed into, or close to, bankruptcy by their multitudes of governments at every level.  As the new governments  fail, some people want a return to King, Emperor, or Caesar.

In every age, some people withdraw from the process.  “The most important thing I can do is save my soul.”, they reasonably conclude.  “So far, not one governmental system has worked very long.  But, my soul is going on forever.”
