Catholics must pray for our ancestors!

Catholics must pray for our ancestors!   Our mothers and fathers were formed from DNA passed on from our four grandparents.   They were each formed from DNA from our 8 great-grandparents.  Their ancestors were programmed from DNA reaching back to Noah, and beyond, to Adam and Eve. All the souls of our ancestors are still […]

Every Babylon has the same temples.

Every Babylon has the same temples. 1. There are Sports Temples in each Babylon.  Mindless sports competitions have been organized long before the first Olympic games in Greece, in 776 BC.   They take time and money from worshipers striving to be “better” in a wide variety of useless activities in the Sports Temples. 2. Babylons […]

History set the stage for Jesus.

  History set The Stage for Jesus.  God used Cyrus, Xerxes, and Darius to join many lands and peoples into a fragile Empire. Then, Philip of Macedon was chosen to become a tool of God.  Greece, had been divided into warring states, kingdoms, and empires.  Philip forged them into one empire: Then, God marched Alexander […]

God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie

God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie.  God put Caesars in power.  Caesars paved the way for Jesus.  Before Julius Caesar, The Roman Empire was divided among competing interests.  Caesar brought all to heel. He was murdered by Roman Senators.  They feared that Caesar’s organizational genius would keep them from taking money from […]

We must “move up” from simply saying: “I believe in Jesus!”

We must “move up” from simply saying: “I believe in Jesus!”  We consider historical facts. We learn that a “Chosen People” were given the duty of  having, recording, and preserving The Messianic Prophecies.   When The Prophecies were Fulfilled, many Jewish people joined The Catholic Church. The Jerusalem Establishment, and many others realized:  “We’re losing supporters!  […]

An interesting insight from a Women’s Bible Study Group

An interesting insight from a Women’s Bible Study Group appeared on the internet: The execution of this medicine depends on the probe viagra availability of kamagra has become simpler as one order kamagra with a few clicks and gets it delivered at his home within the specified period of time. Hence, it is recommended that […]

Holy Blood. Holy Water. Wholly God.

Molecules are tiny!    Catholics consider:  Holy Blood.  Holy Water.  Wholly God. Amazingly, there are more molecules in one cup of water than there are cups of water in all the oceans on earth!  That’s a lot of molecules! Death comes when we lose 40% of our blood.  Jesus would have lost about 8.4 cups of […]

“The Christian IQ Test”

  Many minds do not work well enough to pass “The Christian IQ Test”.  Those who fail are all around us!  Many of them brag about failing “The Christian IQ Test”. They all agree: “I am not Catholic.  I know more than Jesus.” Catholics are stunned to find such vanity.  We may ask: “How can […]

the world-wide plague: “I know more than Jesusitis”

Sadly, the world-wide plague:  “I know more than Jesusitis” is a disorder that infects billions of minds, spirits, and souls with confusion. “I know more than Jesusitis” replaces logical consistency with contradictions.  Do you, or someone you know, suffer from the world-wide plague, “I know more than Jesusitis”?   The diagnosis begins with honest “Yes.” […]