Nanny’s mad! She’s really mad!

Nanny saw the Wall Street Journal today. Nanny’s mad!  She’s really mad!   What caused Nanny’s fuming rage to boil over?

First, the WSJ reported that being overweight was actually good for you!  Nanny has been saying we should be thinner and thinner and thinner.  Nanny was either lying or Nanny was wrong.

The latest studies confirm the common-sense ideas that people who weighed more than Nanny’s ideal, skin-and-bones,  prison camp physique were healthier.  And, live longer.  Nanny hates that most all!

Second, the very same issue of the WSJ reported that Nanny’s favorite bureaucracy, the EPA, was wrong about the great dangers she said were caused by fracking.  As most know, fracking is a way to inject sand into oil shale a mile or more below the earth’s surface.

Nanny hates fracking because it reduces the cost of energy.  Nanny’s complaisant environmentalists generate income from existing energy producers whose margins are squeezed by lower cost energy produced by fracking, nuclear generators, coal, and hydro-power.  They specialize in demonizing any threat to their cash flows.  That’s why fracking became a favorite target as soon as it was shown to reduce energy costs.

Political pressure forced the EPA to “check things out” in a couple of areas where fracking is being utilized.  Not surprisingly, they found “problems”.  The US Geological Survey, however, did similar tests in the same areas at the same times. They found no problems.  It was suggested that the EPA tests might be “self-contaminating”.

At the end of the day, Nanny’s anti-fracking position was weakened.  It was shown to have been supported by a procedure that would lead to the conclusion she wanted.

So, Nanny’s been getting pounded and she’s mad.  Moderately overweight people were found to live longer than Nanny thought they should.  Then, fracking was found to be pretty much harmless.  Those two setbacks to the Professional Alarmist Community followed analyses that showed Nanny’s favorite alarm, The Global Warming Threat to Humanity, was a problem so imaginary there had been no measurable global warming for nearly two decades.

Poor Nanny.

She’ll be back.  “Concerned scientists are very worried that there may be changes in the color of nitrogenous gasses that could have disastrous effects on the North American Continent’s climate.”  Drought may be the result.  Or, endless flooding.   Either scenario might be affected by extremes of hot or cold temperatures.  Nanny believes that billions may die.

Nanny needs a new Imaginary Problem.  The old ones are becoming threadbare.   The colored, or discolored, nitrogenous gasses may be just what she needs to regain lost credibility.

