He has downloaded A Menu of Opposites.

Opposites abound in The Creation Program. The Loving Programmer has written and downloaded programs that reach from East to West. Many of His programs are automatic. Suns shine, planets orbit, winds blow, rains fall, rivers run, volcanoes blow, plants grow, and animals abound on our particular Earth Program.

We human programs are miniature versions of The Creation Program. Most of our body functions go on automatically, just like most of The Creation Program.

But, we aren’t here to focus excessively on that. He has downloaded A Menu of Opposites.

Animals and vegetables. Wheat and weeds. Sheep and goats. Good and evil. Hurt and help. Life and death. Pro-life and pro-death. Fast and slow. Humble and arrogant. Smart and dumb. Interesting and boring. Right and wrong. Truth and lies. Saved and damned. Church and schism. Heaven and hell.

Each of us is among The Loving Programmer’s beloved Free Will Programs. We make choices. He has downloaded a Menu of Opposites.

If we make the right choices, our immortal soul will get to Heaven.
