Catholics know to go beyond merely believing.



Catholics know to go beyond merely believing.   John 10:27 calls us to obedience.  “My sheep hear My voice, says the Lord.  I know them, .”

Anyone can believe, simply by considering the odds of Jesus fulfilling Prophecies.

There is one chance in 120,000 that He would be born in the prophesied village.  The odds are one in trillions that He would be born at the time Daniel predicted, of the Tribe of Judah and be among the few hundred among 120,000,000 people then in and around The Roman Empire in The House of David.  He fulfilled more prophecies predicting He would be killed with no bones broken, and lifted up before men so they would look on He Whom they pierced.  The odds that Jesus was not The Messiah are so astronomically high that is not only easy, but also, foolish not to believe.

Catholics know to go beyond merely believing.  Jesus separated mere believers from followers with His clear call to Catholic Communion.  He repeated Twelve Times (Once for each Disciple?) in the last half of John, 6:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

The Last Supper Accounts of Matthew, Mark, and John repeat those words Six More Times.  The New Testament repeats that instruction more than any other.

All Christians believe “My sheep hear My voice. . .”.

Catholics know to go beyond merely believing.   “My sheep hear My voice, . . .”  Obedience is the clearly the key that separates sheep and wheat from goats and weeds.  Catholics have obeyed at every Mass since The Last Supper:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics are incredibly blessed to be among those of whom He said:  “. . . I know them and they follow Me.”

The best thing we can do for our immortal soul is to show our obedience by “following”.  We put on His “easy yoke” by being Catholic.
