The “dragon” and its two “beasts” are an evil perversion of The Holy Trinity.


The “dragon” and its two “beasts” are an evil perversion of The Holy Trinity.   Revelation 12 explains.  The “dragon” could not keep The Church from coming to earth.  He makes “war on the rest of her (Mary’s and The Church’s’) children, that is, all who obey God’s commandments and bear witness for Jesus.” 

He tries to destroy all who obey This Word of Jesus Christ!   “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The “dragon” concentrates its efforts on attacking the Catholic Church, Her priests, and Her people.


The “dragon” brought one assistant to earth in Rev. 13:1.   The “beast from the sea” looks like the “dragon”.  It has “seven heads and ten horns”.  It controls most nations on earth.  It has his “throne and his worldwide power.” 

One of its heads “seemed to have a fatal wound, but that this deadly injury had been healed.”  What was that “wound”?   That “wound” destroyed logic and love in its brain.   It could not think clearly.  Its followers become miserable, unhappy, parasites.


It needed another assistant!   The “beast from the land” appeared in Rev 13:11.  It does marketing, advertising, and sales for “the beast from the sea”.  Why do many people believe it?  It is disguised!  It appears to be worthy of respect!  “It has two horns, like a lamb”.

But, it “made a noise like a dragon”!  It was able to “win over the peoples of the world.”


Catholics know that we must not follow anyone who lets the “beast from the land” lead them.

How do we identify them?  That’s easy!

All who follow “the beast from the land” willfully and knowingly disobey This Catholic Teaching!  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

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