Leftists defend a woman’s right to kill a girl.

Many women who are carrying a female baby in their womb will abort it simply because it isn’t a little boy. This is the most brutal discrimination of all. Yesterday, the House of Representatives refused to pass a law that would make it illegal for an abortionist to kill an unborn baby girl simply for […]

The culture of death is more worried about Pepsi than life.

It’s hard to imagine how rational, orderly human minds can be totally confused, not only without realizing it,but also while getting angry if their confusion is mentioned.  Sometimes, we get a glimpse of  how the culture of death is more concerned about imaginary problems than life. Today, massive media concern emerged about the horrors of […]

Catholic Fundamentalism is an unpopular orphan.

Many have asked, “Why is this new approach to The Church called ‘Catholic Fundamentalism’?  There has long been hostility between Catholics and Fundamentalists.  Isn’t there a better name than ‘Catholic Fundamentalism’?” Catholic Fundamentalism begins with “Catholic” because The Catholic Church has been, from the time Christ said “Thou are Peter.  On this rock, I build […]

Massacres in far-away Syria are more talked about than those nearby.

Last week, over a hundred people were massacred in Syria.  Last weekend, forty were shot in Chicago, where at least ten are dead. We hear a lot more about the dead Syrians than about the Chicago residents who were killed. Some want to send American troops into Syria.  No one mentions sending U.S. soldiers into […]

The best advice is to get the best advice.

Lots of young people were advised to “Go to college!”, and they went to college.  Some, out of a love of learning.  Others, because they were too lazy to get jobs that required risk and hard work.  Many thought that a college degree was a ticket to a government job.  Once, it was.  Half of […]

Church scandals provide the self-righteous with excuses for leaving The Church.

The Church has been under increasing attack since the early 1990s.  Then, Pope John Paul II alienated non-Catholic establishments by stopping the United Nations from imposing birth control, sterilization, and abortion plans in 3rd world nations.  When he couldn’t get the formerly Christian nations to stop the UN’s assault on life, he got help from […]

“Thou art Peter. On this rock, I build My Church.”

The other day, conversation with long-time acquaintances veered to religion.  “I never could figure out why you became a Catholic.” “Well, it’s the only thing I found that didn’t have any holes in it.” That did not sit well.  The imaginary millions of people killed by the Inquisition was brought up, along with the usual […]

“Work and Pray”, with automation, may be replaced with “Pray”.

American factory output is greater than ever, but barely 10% of all Americans work in manufacturing.  American agricultural output is greater than ever, but barely 1% of all Americans actually work on farms.  Another 11% are involved in construction and transportation.  As technology advances, as robotics improve, as automation makes further progress, fewer Americans will be […]

The Church turned to Mary. So should each of us.

In the 1600s, revelations were given by Mary to Sister Mary of Agreda, a Spanish nun.   What was revealed was how much God loved Mary.  Always aware of Mary’s purity, more believers began to focus on Mary’s great power and authority. Knowledge of Mary’s grace and greatness reached the point that Catholics concluded:  “In God’s judgment, […]

Our denomination shows how close we want to be to truth.

When we compare, for instance, Roman Catholicism with Anglicanism, we see that The Roman Catholic Church recognizes Peter’s duly appointed successors as Popes, heads of The Church. The Anglicans’ church, on the other hand, is headed by whomever happens to be seated on the English throne.  It is a ridiculous way to appoint a church […]