Where Do We Find Consistency?

If consistency is important to us, we look for it. The Roman Catholic Church has been encouraging us to love our neighbors for two thousand years. She has been utterly and completely consistent in teaching how important it is for our souls to love God and our neighbors. And, St. Peter’s Church has been “doing […]

Something Odd Lives in Many Minds

There is something odd in some minds that makes them say things like: “I believe that women have the right to choose. I am pro-choice. I am committed to improving the rights of all women, throughout the world.” If someone replies: “In many nations, including this one, unborn babies are often aborted, simply because they […]

There is Some Truth, Even in Fads

A few decades ago, people who thought and behaved inconsistently were called “schizophrenic”. Over time, this was shortened to “schizoid”. The label described something real; people thinking, saying, and doing both good and bad things. “Schizoid” was replaced by “passive-aggressive”. Today, the person formerly described as “schizophrenic” and “passive-aggressive” is called “bi-polar”. Just as “schizophrenic” […]

A Big Bubble is Bursting

The notion of “peak oil” has been around since the early 1900s. We’ve all heard it said that “The world is running out of oil.” This is said with varying degrees of breathlessness as professional shills write and say what they’re paid to communicate. The Middle East produces most of the world’s oil. Those producers […]


Every economic and political activity is a bubble. All are doomed to burst. Our job is to be sure that our own soul does not become such a doomed structure. The only way to do that job is to stay close to God. In the meantime, most of us spend a lot of time and […]

Germany, Europe, Russia, and the Moslems

Twice in the 1900s, Germany tried to take over Europe with armed forces. Now, the Fatherland is doing it with economic forces funded by the most highly automated manufacturing systems in Europe. Battalions of bankers have begun to build beachheads in every European financial center. Now, the Creditor is King, and the grossly indebted nations […]

Why Are There Animals in The Creation Program?

Most of us can watch various shows on various “Nature Channels” that illustrate the sheer viciousness of life in the wild. In the Animal section of The Creation Program, the only law is tooth and claw. Lions bring down gazelles and birds eat helpless worms. Those who best destroy lesser creatures thrive until they meet […]

Separated From God

We’re fortunate if we have been led to believe in and obey The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions. Those who do neither can be classified by analyzing how far they have allowed their vanity to lead them from Him. Even unbelievers recognize this. Psychologists, for instance, use the word “sociopath” to describe those who are so […]

The Global Warming Fraud, a Wonderful Thing.

Global Warming has been wonderfully separating intellectuals from pseudo-intellectuals for over a decade. In that time, liars have been unmasked, profiteers identified, and more such wretched people are being discredited every day. In the end, the Global Warming Fraud was a great educational tool. It provides us with the perfect example of how well the […]