Beginnings of the World-Wide Bureaucracy

The eleventh chapter of Genesis tells us how the World-Wide Bureaucracy began on the Plains of Shinar. The earliest bureaucrats promised people, “We can save ourselves. If you do what we tell you, we can build a tower to Heaven.” Impressive plans were drawn up to begin the first private-public partnership. Speeches were made. People […]

What Went Wrong?

We’ve all seen declines in many good things. There is less innocence, less trust, less commitment, less generosity. Who would want that? The answer can be found by considering the last time your computer was attacked by a virus. If it weren’t for various protective software packages, everyone’s computer would be down most of the […]

Today’s Reading, Baruch 4:5-12, 27-29., Tells Us What Threatens Us:

“Fear not, my people! Remember, Israel, You were sold to the nations not for your destruction; It was because you angered God that you were handed over to your foes. For you provoked your Maker with sacrifices to demons, to no-gods; You forsook the Eternal God who nourished you, and you grieved Jerusalem who fostered […]

America, The European Union, and Robert Rabbit

Wednesday, the Tale of Robert Rabbit was told. Robert had a very long tapeworm living in his intestines. Every day, Tommy Tapeworm took more of Robert’s energy, sapping his mind and body. Worse, every week or so, Tommy Tapeworm added another segment. He was almost two feet long, twice as long as Robert. But, he […]

Great Day in The Church!

Today is the Feast Day of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. To Catholic Fundamentalists, these holy, powerful Angels are revered and respected as Top Programming Assistants. They loyally assist The Loving Programmer to do His Will in Heaven and on earth. Catholics know from Today’s Reading that The Throne is surrounded by angels, numbering in […]

Understanding Political Issues

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit named Robert. He weighed about four pounds. Poor Robert was infected with a foot-long tapeworm named Tommy. Robert’s energy was so drained by Tommy that he was napping when a half-dozen ticks that hopped on him. He spent even more time sleeping when Tommy Tapeworm added a […]

We Are Allowed to Play in Sandboxes

Those who operate in secular enterprises quickly come to a conclusion: “I am not allowed to actually fix anything that’s wrong at higher levels.” All are aware, for instance, that Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme. Since it’s backed up by the government’s ability to confiscate, an ability that’s supported by armed force, no one […]

Jesus Does not Condemn all Protestants.

In Today’s Reading, Luke, 9:46-50, the last half of the Gospel has the most beloved of the Disciples asking what to do with those who use the Name of Jesus to drive corrupting viruses from human programs. “An argument arose among the disciples about which of them was the greatest. Jesus realized the intention of […]

The Creation Program is, Essentially, Incorruptible. We Human Programs are Corruptible.

When The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program, it was done so that the viruses could not corrupt it. The sun shines, the earth revolves and rotates, the moon follows its programmed path, plants grow, gravity pulls, and “God’s in His Heaven, all’s right with the world”. We human programs, operating within the […]

Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, Split Personalities

We can use our free will to have ourselves move in two directions. Each of us, at every moment, is either moving closer to, or farther from, God, The Loving Programmer. Each move brings us where we want to go at the time. A happy human program is always moving toward The Loving Programmer. Worldly […]