“If It Weren’t For Soccer, I Coulda Been Somebody.”

Had Thomas Edison’s mother been so status-driven as to encourage him to play soccer, his brain would have lost the edge that allowed him to invent the thousand things that brought light and sound to the world. It’s not a popular subject of discussion, but Americans actually are smarter than those of other nationalities. The […]

Soccer>Brain Damage>Ruined Lives

In Carthage, parents who sought favor by throwing their babies into Moloch’s unholy fire were told to “look happy” afterwards.  They did. Today, human sacrifices begin with birth control and abortion.  The forces of evil have not yet gained enough power to demand that those who have been born be killed.  But, they can get […]

The Republican Nomination

Governor Perry appears to have lost his commanding lead among Republican candidates.  Ex-governor Romney is trying to appear to be more conservative than his record.  Congresswoman Bachmann is dropping dramatically.  Herman Cain is surging. Republican elites support Romney.  He is one of them, and those who support him are more interested in maintaining government funding […]

Horizontal vs. Vertical

Most of our concerns are horizontal. We work to ensure that we have adequate cash flow to survive and prosper. Most of our efforts are expended on various types of material goods around us. Above us is a level that’s invisible to those who spend all their time looking around them for opportunities on earth. […]

From Today’s Reading, Psalm 9;5

“You rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked; their name you blotted out forever and ever. The nations are sunk in the pit they have made; in the snare they set, their foot is caught.” The First Programming Log makes it clear that large groups of people (nations) destroy themselves with their own policies. In […]

One Military Segment of the World Wide Bureaucracy:

A perfect example of a bureaucracy expanding it’s most highly paid numbers for no reason but greed was posted by http://bussorah.wordpress.com/ “The (British) Army has more top brass than battle tanks, alarming statistics have revealed. There are 256 brigadiers and generals but just 200 Challenger II tanks, according to the figures uncovered by a former […]

The “Tapeworm Analogy” Is Not Enough.

Our primary job on earth is to get our own soul into Heaven. That desire should be accompanied by encouraging others to have the very same goal for themselves. Most people who do little more with their lives than worm their way into positions that allow them to take from their neighbors don’t spend a […]

The “Tapeworm Analogy”

The first step in solving economic problems is to understand what effects the production and transfer of wealth. The “Tapeworm Analogy” is a start. Money, in “The Tapeworm Analogy”, is the host’s blood. The head of the tapeworm is attached to an intestinal wall where it draws blood from the host to feed its segments. […]

All Economic Problems are Caused, Many Intentionally, by the WWB

Our most privileged aristocracy, The World-Wide Bureaucracy, has bankrupted states, nations, and entire continents so they may preserve and increase their numbers, salaries, benefits, and pensions. As Localized Bureaucracies grow more international in scope, they are able to do far greater damage than could their more regional predecessors. World-wide frauds are developed to provide excuses […]

Beginnings of the World-Wide Bureaucracy

The eleventh chapter of Genesis tells us how the World-Wide Bureaucracy began on the Plains of Shinar. The earliest bureaucrats promised people, “We can save ourselves. If you do what we tell you, we can build a tower to Heaven.” Impressive plans were drawn up to begin the first private-public partnership. Speeches were made. People […]