Markets Tanking

The world’s stock markets are not exactly in free-fall, but the declines are obvious. Values of productive groups of people in millions of companies around the world are dropping. Catholic Fundamentalism looks for the causes of such reductions in stock values and concludes: “There is an ongoing war between those who hate and steal from […]

The Union of Associationists

After the War of 1812, Yankee Ingenuity began to become a byword. American technology began to destroy skills and careers that had existed since the Egyptians and Babylonians. In the following decades, railroads and steamships eliminated the need for animal-drawn wagons, carts, and stagecoaches. Most of the old jobs went away. There were few craftsmen […]

Why Today’s Economic Upheaval?

Catholic Fundamentalism realizes that human programming skills have been increasing. Mankind began by altering shapes. Then, alloys like bronze allowed some mastery of molecules and atomic rearrangements. Since the late 1800s, humans have been able to utilize electron flow. Some of its first economic victims were Pony Express riders, whose expensive trips were replaced by […]


We instinctively keep a watchful eye on our wallets and purses when in a crowd. We know that we are vulnerable to the thieves who specialize in distracting us while they make a grab for our money and valuables. National economies are ruled by a brighter sort of pickpockets. Citizens of every political unit are […]

Loons & Goons

Sanity and success go hand in hand with nations, families, organizations, and people. When lunacy triumphs over rational logic, failure follows. In our day, nations are burdened with “green” generators of electricity. The “greens” prefer that we get our power from windmills and solar panels, even though such power goes on and off sporadically, can’t […]

The “Tapeworm Trap” of Simplistic Analogies

Analogies are easy. For instance, “A living body infected with parasites that are allowed to grow and increase uncontrollably will weaken and die.” is a fact. Many take this truth and apply it to a political conclusion: “Our political body is so infected with parasites that it is weakening. If the parasites are not eliminated, […]

Today’s Reading Has Good Advice for Catholic Fundamentalists:

Gospel Lk 8:16-18 Jesus said to the crowd: “No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For the past few years, Catholic Fundamentalism has been proposed, explained, and elucidated upon. […]

Want to be a University President?

A nearby State University has advertised for a new President. One local businessman considered sending in this resume: “I am applying for the position of President of this State University. My goal is this: to provide the finest possible education while burdening students and taxpayers with the lowest possible cost. To that end, the first […]

Belief Brings Success and Generosity

Catholic Fundamentalism understands that God has programmed and downloaded entire galaxies and all within them. They were downloaded to spin through space to provide all human programs with free will. They’re there so we can look at them and freely decide whether or not there is a Being Who has the ability to produce such […]