Catholics know: “The end is near!” Is it?

. The Last Judgment may be closer than we want to believe!


Question 1: “Why do so many people in History say ‘The end is near!’?”

Answer: “The ‘end’ that every Catholic thinks about is our life on earth. That ‘end’ is near!”


Question 2: “What other ‘ends’ are near?”

Answer: “Every nation comes to an ‘end’. Every human occupation comes to an ‘end’. Many marriages and families come to an ‘end’. Every human activity on earth comes to an ‘end’.”


Question 3: “Will God’s Creation come to an ‘end’?”

Answer: “The Bible is clear about that! The entire Book of Revelation teaches about ‘the end’.”


Question 4: “Does ‘The Book of Revelation’ tell us when ‘the end’ will come?”

Answer: “The Book of Revelation tells us what will happen before ‘the end’. Rev 16:12 tells us ‘The sixth angel emptied his bowl over The Euphrates River; all the water dried up so that a way was made for the kings of the East to come in.’


Question 5: “Has the Euphrates River ‘dried up’?”

Answer: “Yes. So many dams have been built on it that water no longer flows. For the first time in 5,000 years of written History, The Euphrates River has ‘dried up’. This is what it looks like, today!”


Question 6: “Is that what Jesus told us in Luke 21:11? ‘ . . there will be fearful sights and great signs from Heaven.’ that come after the time of ‘persecution and imprisonment’ in Luke 21:12. This may be ‘the great sign’ that St. John saw in his visit to Heaven! What should Catholics do?”

Answer: “Pray!”


Question 7: “What should Catholics pray for?”

Answer: “First, we pray for our souls. ‘God, please forgive me for my sins!’ Then, we realize: ‘If I do not pray for the souls of my own ancestors, no one else will!’ Catholics pray that God will bless the souls of all who gave us life and help. Then, we pray for the souls of our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our enemies.”


Question 8: “What happens when we pray?”

Answer: “Each prayer sends a stream of Holy Photons from our soul to Heaven. Each prayer is written into ‘The Book of Life’ of the person for whom we ask God’s Blessing and Mercy.'”


Question 9: “Why is that important?”

Answer: “God reads each person’s ‘Book of Life’ at Judgment. When we write something good in someone else’s ‘Book of Life’, a ‘good word’ is also written in our ‘Book of Life’.”


Question 10: “Why is it important to be Catholic?”

Answer: Catholics know Jesus lets our ‘end’ be a Great Beginning! We have these ‘keys’ from Jesus to prove it!

‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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