The Miracle at Fatima.

Twelve apostles, and a few thousand area residents saw Jesus’s miracles.  They saw the dead raised, the crippled and sick cured, and the prophecies fulfilled. During the miracle at Fatima, on October 13, 1917, tens of thousands saw the sun repeatedly plunging out of the sky.  Hardened atheists became believers.  Officials, newspaper reporters, and anti-Catholic […]

Environmental Crisis–We are running out of rocks.

A coalition of geologists is challenging the way we look at global stone reserves, claiming that, unless smarter methods of preservation are developed, mankind will eventually run out of rocks. “If we do not stop using them up at our current rate, rocks as we know them will be a thing of the past,” renowned geologist […]

“Qui bono?”, “Who benefits?”

Every truth has at least one opposing lie.  In the theological sphere, the truth “There is a God” is opposed by the lie, “There is no God.”   In economics, the truth “There is no free lunch.” is countered by the lie, “Deficit spending will solve our economic problems.” We can watch the lies and truths being told […]

Vanity keeps many from understanding Mary’s importance..

Converts to Catholicism don’t always immediately understand how important Mary is.  Those who leave Catholicism are puzzled that other denominations don’t understand how important Mary is.  Over time, it becomes more apparent than vanity keeps many from understanding Mary’s importance. Over time, Catholic saints and scholars learned, by revelation and reason, that Mary, the Mother […]

The bubbles of fear are bursting. Fearmongers are losing their jobs.

There is an odd, unpleasant sort of person in the big bulge of the bell curve.  They  are not smart enough to get “intellectual” jobs and are too proud to do the sort of work that requires getting their hands dirty. Many of them find that they can make a living by selling scary lies […]

Progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.

Rome dominated by putting labor-saving inventions of great magnitude to use.  Romans utilized labor-saving arches, aqueducts, factory farms, improved roads, apartment buildings, public baths, threshing machines, large transport vessels, and catapults more than other nations.  In every area of human endeavor,  Rome’s ability to put labor-saving ingenuity in place propelled them ahead of their more […]

Today’s Reading, 6/5/2012: Get ready for the New Program.

This reading gives an indication of the Catholic Fundamentalism position that we are living in The Creation Program, written and downloaded by The Loving Programmer. This reading makes it clear that The Creation Program will be largely erased, leaving only The Loving Programmer, Program, Holy Wireless Connector, Saints, Angels, and the souls of the saved. […]

Think about Mary.

The only reason to not think about Mary is that we’d rather think about ourselves.  When we think about Mary, we find an escape from our vanity. When we think about Mary, we are led to think about God.  When we think about God and Mary, we have to think about why, and how, He […]

Giving lapsed Catholics an opportunity to be saved.

For generations, Catholics have been moving from America’s cities to the exurbs beyond the suburbs.  In the 30-50 mile “doughnut”) around every city, those identifying themselves as “Catholic” often comprise upwards of half the population. Catholic Churches in those areas are not filled because most of those exurban Catholics have lapsed, or are in the […]

Leftists defend a woman’s right to kill a girl.

Many women who are carrying a female baby in their womb will abort it simply because it isn’t a little boy. This is the most brutal discrimination of all. Yesterday, the House of Representatives refused to pass a law that would make it illegal for an abortionist to kill an unborn baby girl simply for […]