Caucasians, “from the land of the north”, should be united in His Church.

One of Catholic Fundamentalism’s tenets is that:  European, Asian, and North American Caucasians are descended from the 10 Northern Tribes.  They migrated into Europe after their exile to the north from Samaria in 720B.C.  Retaining some tribal identities, and splitting frequently into various Celtic and Gothic tribes that coalesced in their ancestral lands, they were, […]

Comparing Catholic and Protestant Scholarship. Wow!

An amazing scholarly distinction between Protestant and Catholic became apparent this morning. Today’s Catholic Daily Reading includes readings from Matthew 1:1-14.  The passages include 42 generations of the genealogy of Jesus.  The first fourteen generations reach from Abraham to David, the second from David to the Babylonian deportation.  The third set of 14 generations covered […]

Is it wrong to think of this early Protestant Deformer as “Big Pig”?

State-controlled institutions have been anti-Catholic since the days of Nero.  State-supported academia and media still revile The Church for “selling indulgences”.  Four hundred years ago, when “indulgence selling” took place, the 400 pound King of England, Henry Big Pig, married and divorced several women. Several times, Big Pig had his executioner cut the heads off […]

Most of us are actually the children of Father Abraham.

Today’s Gospel Reading includes Mt. 10: 6-8.  Jesus sent out these Twelve after instructing them thus, “Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; […]

The only way to escape the effects of Martin Luther, worst of men.

Converts to Catholicism often realize:  “The Catholic Church was weakened when Martin Luther and his followers joined with corrupt political leaders to fund and justify schisms.  If they had stayed faithful, The Catholic Church would have been able to stop abortion and save the tiniest unborn babies from abortion-causing birth control chemicals and devices.   […]

The Judeo-Catholic tradition.

Most of us are aware of, and have used the phrase:  “Judeo-Christian tradition”.  Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that this is intentionally flawed.  The correct reading is “Judeo-Catholic tradition”.  Why the difference?  Many Christians are in denominations that do not reflect Christ’s words, thoughts, and teachings. Many who call themselves “Christian” give support to denominations that do […]

Is Isaiah telling us to be Catholics?

Today’s Reading is from Isaiah 4: 2-6.  Many read this, and other passages, of the Prophet and see that he is telling us, in our age, to become Catholics.  Is that possible?  Is Isaiah telling us to be Catholics? On that day, The branch of the LORD will be luster and glory, (That’s us Catholics, […]

The problem Protestants sweep under the rug.

Politeness, or fear of being politically incorrect, causes many to sweep religious topics under the rug.  “Two things we should never discuss are religion and politics.” many believe. There are religious concerns that cause great worry to a handful of Protestants.  One Protestant problem is so huge that it’s practically invisible.  Only the most sincerely […]

How does Catholic Fundamentalism, The New Evangelization, quantify error?

There is a way to quantify the difference between truth and error.  One truth that is said to be “scientific” is as much as 1,666,666 times more erroneous.  How does Catholic Fundamentalism, The New Evangelization, quantify error?  We look at those who call themselves “scientists”.   We look closely enough to realize that they are generally […]