Who are the most suffering souls in hell?

  The souls in hell viciously attack each other.  There is no rest.  The stronger souls torment the weak.  Who are the most suffering souls in hell? While on earth, each human makes free choices.  Those who choose to disobey God do so.  Their souls are stained and shriveled as their sins multiply.   Every […]

Catholics love life. Others, not so much.

The Church Jesus Founded teaches:  “Life is to be protected from the moment of conception to natural death.”  Catholics are taught to protect unborn life.   Catholics love life.  Others, not so much. Catholics know that each human life began as an ova the size of a small grain of salt.  A sperm cell?  Two grains […]

Catholics, can we solve problems?

Catholics, can we solve problems? We have big problems!  It is hard for some people to get to Church.   For some, it is virtually impossible.  Many have to miss Communion because they are unable to get to Church when they need to be there! Worse, the shortage of Catholic priests is causing many Catholic Churches […]

God uses Democracy to test souls.

Many see the confusion of good and evil in political systems and ask, “Why did God give us democracy?”  Some are blessed to understand:  God uses Democracy to test souls. Many of our ancestors survived persecution by Moslems, Imperialistic Protestantism, Communists, Nazis, and tyrants in Europe and Asia.  Many came to America.  Comparative freedom and […]

Catholic priests: the thin, black line

Every Catholic has temptations.  We are weak and prone to sin.  We are saved because there are Catholic priests:  the thin, black line  between us and the powers of hell.    Every Catholic priest is ordained in living link with the Apostles ordained by Jesus.   Jesus ordains Catholic priests with powers no other has. John […]

45,000 denominations plead: “Buy me!”

Every manufacturer tries to replace old products with new. “These new colors, designs, and materials are better than ever!” Every advertisement, display, and package screams “Buy me!” Health & Beauty products insist, “Buy me! You will be beautiful and healthy!” Other advertisements promise status, safety, comfort and bargain prices as advertising dollars cry “Buy me!” […]

Government’s purpose

Government’s purpose is to keep people off the streets. Once, the cheapest way to keep large numbers of people off the street was to make them dig, quarry, cut, and pile. From Babylon to Egypt to America’s huge Indian mounds and Aztec pyramids, the best Babylonians built big pyramids. They went vertical. Chinese Babylonians went […]

God turns His Face

Nations collapse when they slide into sin. God turns His Face. As we become more like Sodom and Gomorrah, we are reminded what Is 1:10-17 tells us: “Hear the word of the LORD, princes of Sodom! Listen to the instruction of our God, people of Gomorrah! What care I for the number of your sacrifices? […]

Outside The Church, chaos and confusion

A quote from H.L. Mencken helps us understand government: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” We see clearly: Outside The Church, chaos and confusion reign. “Pretend Problems” like […]

History of Imperialistic Protestantism. 4

Imperialistic Protestantism began when greedy men realized:  “The Catholic Church has monasteries, convents, churches, schools, hospitals, and accommodations for the poor.  It owns a  third of England!  If we can get our brain-damaged king to declare himself ‘Pope’, he can order the army to take that land and give it to us!  We’ll be instant […]